Friday, May 23, 2008

MET in the News

We had fabulous local coverage in Thursday's editions of the Frederick News Post and Gazette. .
The Gazette reviewed COMPANY, and mentioned the opening of MOTHER GOOSE.
And in the FNP, MOTHER GOOSE received the honor of being included in Best of the Weekend!
Mother Goose (Karen Paone) performs with her son, Fred.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


We had a lovely story in the Gazette this past week.
Joanne (Julie Herber) toasts "The Ladies Who Lunch,"
accompanied by Alison Shafer on piano. Photo by Joe Williams

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Company Set: Before and After

The Company set, designed by Joann Lee, is FABULOUS!
Before: the walls are up!

After: Everything is painted! Only detail work left.

Stuffed Shirt

COMPANY opens tomorrow! Below are photos of Julie Herber preparing one of the props:

What the heck is this all about? Come see the show!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Comedy Pigs Update

The Comedy Pigs' APRIL'S FOOLS (April 5th and 19th) shows were a success, thanks to a great and energetic house on both nights. The first act of the shows was stuffed with short form improv games, jousting the audience with quick wit and great characters. The second act was a medium form improv set, dubbed "Post-its", a style of long form that's long been a Comedy Pig special. "Post-its" makes use of audience suggestions on (you guessed it) post-its, creating inter-connected scenes offering the performers and the audience a little more time to explore whatever the moment might bring - and that's the fun of improv!

Besides these two shows, the month of April also brought the Pigs two new members: Laura Stark and Tres Dillon. Yes! Two new ladies will be added to the Pigs line-up. They are both very different performers and will bring a refreshing energy to the stage. The Comedy Pigs welcome the new ladies to the troupe!

The Pigs are also busy workshopping and rehearsing new games for their June shows (June 7th & 14th @ 10:30pm), and are knee-deep in writing sessions for their original summer sketch show which runs July 11th thru August 8th, culminating on August 9th with The Comedy Pigs' 15th Anniversary Show. We're old, y'all! Keep an eye out for more info!
Check out the Pigs MySpace!

If you weren't able to make it out last month, enjoy our April 5th show vicariously through the pictures below! (Photo credits: Jon Paul Duvall)

Anne Raugh , Ali Lepelletier & James McGarvey riding the improv bus in "International Transit"

"Moving Parts" with Paula Pitts and James being manipulated by audience volunteers

James & Anne during a scene from "Post-its"

More "Post-its" fun

Monday, May 12, 2008


MET's 10th Anniversary Season comes to a close with Stephen Sondheim's American musical theatre classic: COMPANY. Here a few shots from rehearsals and work calls.

Karen Paone as Marta and Denny Grizzle as Robert. Alison Shafer on piano.

Director Steve Satta and Stage Manager Ken Poisson watch choreographer Jenny Male and cast members Janelle Broderick (Kathy) and Karen Paone (Marta) rehearse a dance.

MET Associate Artistic Director Julie Herber paints the COMPANY set. The set was designed by Joann Lee.
COMPANY opens May 16th and runs through June 21st. Buy Tickets Here!