Thursday, July 31, 2008
Welcome to Incorruptible!
Director Gené Fouché welcomes the cast to the first rehearsal of Incorruptible: A Dark Comedy about the Dark Ages
Incorruptible begins rehearsal
Playwright Michael Hollinger’s comedy Red Herring opened our tenth season with such a blast of energy that we thought we would look to the author once more for this season’s kick-off. Hollinger, a professor of theatre at Villanova University, has a background in musical performance and as a result his plays rely highly on tempo, rhythm and timing. This was evidenced in last season’s offering (think the overseas call delayed and masterfully performed by Matt Baughman and Amy Easton), but he adds a bit of slapstick and a dash of vaudeville to Incorruptible, making it a highly physical tour-de-force.
MET ensemble members Mark Barnhart, Julie Herber, Tad Janes, Karen Paone and Reiner Prochaska join the cast. Joann Lee (sets), Julie Herber (costumes), Carey Rausch (lights), Tom Majarov (sound), and Milee McDonald (props), all ensemble members, have joined forces as our design team. Keeping us all on track and on time is company member Ken Poisson, our stage manager.
We’re very excited to be back in the rehearsal hall and very grateful to the Frederick community who has supported our work for the last decade.
- Gené Fouché, Director
Monday, July 28, 2008
MET Summer Retreat
Sarah Straw, Karen Paone, Sarah Shulman and Lorrie Tripp on the back porch.
And more eating! Julie Herber, Sarah Shulman, Karen Paone and Tad Janes
Milee, Reiner Prochaska, Lorrie
Tad, Milee and Karina Wright chat on Milee's back porch
Ali and Joann admire Sherry's handiwork. She was making cord for the bodice of a dress.
And finally we get to the work part! Jeanine, Ali, Joann, Ken, Tom and Tad look over agendas on the front porch
Tad talks.
We had a great time - made some decisions, signed up for our cleaning months and created task forces for everything we want to accomplish next season. And speaking of next season...rehearsals for the first show, "Incorruptible," begins tomorrow!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tad Janes on Comcast Newsmakers
Comcast Newsmakers is a segment featuring local organizations that airs on our local CNN channel. This interview with MET Producing Artistic Director Tad Janes aired last month and talks about the end of our 0708 Season. Comcast is MET Season Sponsor.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
"Cheesy Being Green"
Mary Ellen Mitchell says the show is "...a homespun commentary on the state of the environment that is worth every dollar..."
Read the whole thing here!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Lorrie Tripp: FNP Star

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Summer at MET!
The Comedy Pigs opened "There's a Run in My Ozone Layer" last weekend to a great opening night house. I must say it was great for me to sit in the audience and have nothing to do but laugh! You won't want to miss this show filled with silliness, some insanely funny characters and yes...a bit of "social conscientiousness". More Info
Karen Paone and myself are busy with Funcamp 2008, our summer theatre camp for kids (with assistance from Ashley Hall & TES intern Celia Lee). We finished up a great first session here at the theatre last weekend with our campers performing shows that they put together in 1-week! We're always amazed with what they are able to accomplish in such a short time. Karen's group of teens created an original ensemble piece (ala MET) called "The Beach". It was filled with inventiveness (including an awesome "jellyfish" movement piece w/ umbrellas dripping with streamers!) and just plain wacky and original scenes that these young artists created from their slightly warped teen minds!
My younger campers tackled a melodrama, "Penelope Pride of the Pickle Factory". They created some fantastic characters just perfect for "cheers and hisses". I had a slight crisis 1/2 before showtime, when my villain (being played marvelously by a delightful young actress) got just a tad bit nervous about portraying a male in front of a live audience and was considerably shaken....we solved the crisis by quickly turning her into a mean female, rather than male boss, changed her name, found a new costume/wig, sped through a few scenes with the young actors to adjust them to the shift and they all went on like pros! And other than the office sign on set that read "Jasper Grimwold" and not the newly acquired "Jasmine Grimwold"....I don't think the audience was the wiser.
Karen and I are now down at the lovely Carroll Arts Center in Westminster doing a 2-week session there. And then we head back up to MET for our final session at the theatre. Exhausting as it is, it's so great being with all these enthusiastic young performers. They get a chance not only to explore acting, but theatrical design elements as well. Today at camp we did costume sketches that the kids designed. They were just great. I have a terrific Sweeney Todd costume designed by a 11 year old boy, a really original forest princess, and a fanciful and clever teapot/Mrs Potts design to name a few...and these kids are under 12! Like I said, they never cease to amaze me.
Last week, I also started rehearsals for "Runaways". I'm so thrilled to be working on this project. We have assembled a multi-talented cast of 20-some young performers to tackle this challenging piece by Elizabeth Swados. We began choreography rehearsals with choreography. The music in the show is wonderful, touching, fun and at times unexpected. I can't wait to get into the meat of staging the show. It's raw and honest. I told the cast that it was going to be really challenging to create this world of runaway children....they're all so sweet..... and bathed. Tapping into the world of loneliness, isolation, fear and danger is going to be a great exploration for all of us! Click here for more info. I'll keep you posted on our progress. Until then........see you at the MET!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
There's a Run in My Ozone Layer

Laura Stark, Clayton Myers and James on the children's TVshow, "Michael Recycle"
Now, under the directionof Denny Grizzle and the stage managing expertise of Carey Rausch, the performers are adding the finishing polish, getting ready for their debut this weekend!
Clay and Laura welcome Regina Michele (Tres) to Hot Topic. "Okaaaaay?"
"There's A Run In My Ozone Layer" opens July 11th at 8:00 pm and runs every Friday and Saturday night through August 8th. Rated PG-13. Tickets are just $15. At that price, it's cheaper than a gallon of gas!

Allison Lepelletier brings back the snarky old lady, with Franky Orr (a.k.a. The Recycler!)
Buy tickets by calling the MET Box Office at 301-694-4744 or purchase tickets online!

The Ladies of "Naughty Night Out" (James, Lydia, Laura & Tres)
Want even more Comedy Pigs? Check out their MySpace page!

Tres, Clay & Franky at the club
Julie Herber and Jon Paul Duvall sand the "cake" from Company after ripping everything off

Jon Paul painting the set around 5am
And look for James and former Comedy Pig Rona Mensah discussing"Ozone" and 15 years of The Comedy Pigs on Channel 10's "Artscape"around starting July 17th.