Friday, December 5, 2008

Snow Queen Video Shoot

Our production of The Snow Queen features a multimedia component and director Reiner Prochaska has been busy filming video sequences for the show. These mini movies will play on screens upstage of the action. Yesterday evening, Reiner filmed some segments in our Ensemble School classroom:

Julie Herber and Reiner apply makeup to Ken Poisson, who will be playing the part of "Evil Sprite."

Julie makes Ken look evil, Reiner applies spirit gum and elf ears. Ken relaxes, enjoys the attention, sips a Fresca and muses that he should wear this makeup when playing World of Warcraft.

Ken is an evil sprite!

Reiner sets up a low-tech green screen. 'Real' green screens are incredibly expensive, but Reiner made this one for $4, using plastic tablecloths. He said the other videos he's shot with this cheap solution look great.

Ken positions Ensemble School students Austin Lemere and Lena Janes, who are playing his minions. Reiner prepares to shoot their scene.

To see how the videos turn out and how they mesh with the play, come see the show!

1 comment:

Kevin Cole said...

That's what I use for green screen!