Monday, January 26, 2009

Almost, Maine is almost here!

It's a dark weekend at MET - that means we don't have any shows playing. Which also means it's time for a work call! On Saturday, we came in for several hours to get ready for our next mainstage show, Almost, Maine.

This is the Almost, Maine set, from designer Joann Lee.

After all set pieces and props have been cleared, the first task is to paint everything - the walls, floor, center column -everything, black. Reiner and Mak paint over the blue and white swirls from The Snow Queen.

Gené paints the wall.

Joann draws the skyline for Almost, Maine.

Pat McDonald and Joann cut out the skyline.

Tad broke something. Mark tries to help fix it. In the end, this piece of equipment was put back together with fast-drying epoxy and camouflage duct tape. It was a sight to behold.

Karen puts away costumes from our last show.

Rona puts away fabric pieces.

Julie is excited by all the progress in the costume shop!

Of course, we couldn't just have one thing happening at MET! During the work call, our next Fun Company show, Ma Lien and the Magic Paintbrush, had rehearsal. Ma Lien is a traditional Chinese folk tale, adapted for the stage by MET Associate Artistic Director Gené Fouché and directed by ensemble member Ali Lepelletier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its time for work..
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