Thursday, January 31, 2008
Killer Joe Interview
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Killer Joe Set Build Part 2
Julie, Mak and Joann install the lovely paneling

Mak and Julie cut paneling for the living room walls

How many people does it take to gut a television? Apparently, four. Past company member, Mark Barnhart returns to help with this work call. Our new TD, Matt Weese and Killer Joe director Gene' Fouche' assist. Stage Manager Sarah Straw supervises.

Ansel and Sharla's living room at the end of Sunday.
The set is looking great but there is still a lot to be done. As I write this, Milee and Mark are in the theatre installing molding and painting the floor. More photos to come!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Finding Sharla.....(part 1)
And then, the process began..Step 1: My dark roots were re-touched to a shade of dark brown. Step 2: The first application of goo to lift my dark color out of the remainder of my hair. A trip under the dryer to let it do what it does. Upon rinse, there is still a lot of "dark" with copper mixed throughout in my hair. As was getting rinsed, the owner of the salon, Beccah Bartlett (who is also on our Board of Directors) came over laughing, telling me that she overheard Tres talking about how she was going to cut/style my hair...bleach blonde, 80's mullet-esque look! She was mortified and panicked until she found out Tres was doing my hair for the show. Sorry Tres. It was never my intention to get you nearly fired! Step 3: Another application of more powerful gooey stuff, complete with foils. Another trip to the dryer, as other stylists periodically came over to peek at my head and check the color. They discussed in hushed tones and I gathered that this was going to take some time. I sat under the dryer and read about "Brittney's Tragic Downfall" and Tres went and got us some Sushi at Hinode. Another rinse. Step 4: All the other stylists had left for the day by now. Tres explained that it was going to take another visit and that she didn't want to put my hair through too much stress in one sitting. She put on another application to neutralize the red in my hair. More time under the dryer (more magazines). Rinse. Step 5: Another application of a light brown-ish color. Tres wanted to make sure I felt "presentable" enough to walk around for the next few days until I go in for a second bleaching.
Tres and the staff at Structures were terrific. They kept me comfortable both physically and mentally....even though Tres did keep laughing. She repeatedly giggled..."I'm not laughing at you!" We were both really jazzed about this adventure. Stay tuned for another posting (& hopefully pictures) after my Wednesday appointment. And so for now....or perhaps for next month or so I'm thinking.......lots of hats!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Killer Joe Rehearsals
This was a huge week for us! The show is coming along nicely. The actors are still exploring their characters and relationships, but for the most part, I think they are pleased with their progress – I know I am!!!
Rehearsals are closed at the moment, as we are still trying to ease into the nudity. Although no one is nude for any length of time, three of the actors are taking this very courageous leap.
Fight choreography continues through the weekend. The fights that are staged thus far are surprisingly vicious and frightening. I continue to be amazed that they walk away from them unscathed. Each time we run the scenes, I am sure that a “real” kick or punch has landed. Kudos to our actors and fight director. I can’t wait for you all to see their efforts.
More later,
Killer Joe Set Build

Joann cleans the disgusting frig and Matt and Brian discuss the framework to be built for the stage left exit into the "bedroom"
Braces are being added to the living room wall. A new window was framed using the flat from "Wreck the Halls" This wall is almost ready to go up.

Kitchen walls are in! It doesn't look like much right now, but this is a big deal.
Living room wall is up, blind is being hung. Door placement is located.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Retreat Reflections
Chinese inscription cited by Thoreau in Walden
Our week in South Carolina at the ‘Sea Gift’- graciously made available by the Janes clan- was a totally euphoric opportunity to renew. The norm for us MET-sters is a bit of a 24/7 dance that finds us dutifully multi-tasking to “create” our day to day existence and our future. We encounter each other in the office, in rehearsal or at a meeting….sometimes pass in the parking lot relaying messages in an exchange of efforts that join us together and carry on. And, in one 8 hour trip (okay…in our car it may have been longer at a Happy Mart or two…we had 2 smokers…give us a break) we were transported to a time and place of fun, discovery, hearty laughter, food, (much) libation, macramé and a marvelous exchange of thoughts and creativity. Whee-ha! And, I am sure, that this reminder to exist mindfully… let the breath fill you to your full size each moment, whether you are creating a character, answering a phone call, teaching a student….or playing guitar hero, will be reflected in our work, our lives and our relationships. I know that I am eager to “renew myself each day and….forever again”. Or at least I’m gonna’ try…….y’all!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Beach Retreat Recap #1
I know several people will be posting on the experience later this week. Until then, here are some thoughts from Vibeke, our guest artist from Norway:
20th January, The MET retreat-
I came all the way from Bergen, Norway to join the MET's winter retreat. I'm so glad I came! I've had such a great time, the best holiday I've had for a long time! We've played lots of games:
Cranium, Sing Star, Pictionary, Sing Star again, Guitar Hero, and more. We had two great workshops at the Holiday Inn led by Gene', Peter, and Julie, we've been for beautiful walks on the the beach every morning and night, we've been to Charleston, we've been to the IMAX, we've been to Huntington Beach, we've eaten really well- thanks to Mark and Lorrie and Southern Cooking, we've watched films, read plays, and I've been introduced to "Something Brilliant!"
I feel invigorated, inspired, relaxed, happy, and sad to leave. I suddenly remember why I'm working with theatre. I'm very impressed with MET, it's philosophy, it's people- I hope to come back! Thank you ever so much for inviting me, and being such great hosts!
With love-
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Beach Retreat 2008

We played some music...
We had some cocktails...
We made some theatre...
Pre-workshop warmups
And we tried to teach Ken to play Hopscotch...
He didn't really get the "Hop" part
Killer Joe Show Blog Post 1
While most folks are winding down from the holidays, we're gearing up for our production of "Killer Joe," which I must say has a killer cast! Tad Janes and Julie Herber are back as another trailer trash couple, and I'm hoping that it will be fun for the audience to see the drastic differences they have made for this pairing. Amy Easton and Matt Baughman, our resident engaged couple, are playing brother and sister (the offspring of Tad's character, Ansel), and Denny Grizzle returns as Killer Joe, the charming yet vicious assassin.
We're in our second week of rehearsal, table work is done, and we're getting through the blocking. This show has a great deal of exciting stage combat, and we're thrilled to be working with Andrew Pecoraro as our fight director. Fight choreography begins tomorrow.
This is an exciting and challenging venture for us – and our audience! Although not the first MET play to include violence (for those of you who saw "Macbeth" earlier in the season), however, we have never done a show with nudity. I must admit that it is not only a challenge for the actors, but for the director as well. There are so many more considerations to think about when staging a nude scene! I hope though they may be uncomfortable, they won't be distasteful.
MET goes to on our annual company retreat to sunny South Carolina next week, so look for more to come!