Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Beach Retreat Recap #1

We're back from our annual beach retreat!
I know several people will be posting on the experience later this week. Until then, here are some thoughts from Vibeke, our guest artist from Norway:

20th January, The MET retreat-

I came all the way from Bergen, Norway to join the MET's winter retreat. I'm so glad I came! I've had such a great time, the best holiday I've had for a long time! We've played lots of games:
Cranium, Sing Star, Pictionary, Sing Star again, Guitar Hero, and more. We had two great workshops at the Holiday Inn led by Gene', Peter, and Julie, we've been for beautiful walks on the the beach every morning and night, we've been to Charleston, we've been to the IMAX, we've been to Huntington Beach, we've eaten really well- thanks to Mark and Lorrie and Southern Cooking, we've watched films, read plays, and I've been introduced to "Something Brilliant!"

I feel invigorated, inspired, relaxed, happy, and sad to leave. I suddenly remember why I'm working with theatre. I'm very impressed with MET, it's philosophy, it's people- I hope to come back! Thank you ever so much for inviting me, and being such great hosts!

With love-


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